Friday, September 15, 2017

KaligrafiIslamiAbdullah Aydemir, Kaligrafer dan IlluminatorKumpulan Kaligrafi Islam

Abdullah Aydemir 
(khattat dan mudzahhib)

Abdullah Aydemir seorang kaligrafer dan illuminator kelahiran Erzurum pada tahun 1974 di kota Erzurum Khorasan. Menyelesaikan pendidikannya di kota Khorasan. Selanjutnya ia meneruskan pendidikan tingginya Di Turki sampai lulus tahun 1996dari Fakultas Seni Rupa jurusan Tahdzib (Illuminasi) Universitas Ataturk.

Al Firaq (Perpisahan)

Mulai mendalami seni kaligrafi tahun 1996 dengan belajar pada kaligrafer Abdul Hadi Erol Donmez hingga memperoleh ijazah dalam bidang khat naskh dan khat tsuluts pada tahun 2007. Tahun 1996 sampai tahun 2001 ia juga belajar seni illuminasi dan gilding pada Jalaluddin Karadas. Tahun 2001 ia pindah ke Istambul untuk mengajar kaligrafi dan bekerja di Perpustakaan Seni Islam dan Turki. Ia memakai nama "Abdul Hay" pada karya karya kaligrafinya.

Berikut ini beberapa karyanya :


Basmalah berhadapan (mutanazir)


Wallahu Ghalibun 'alaa amrihi

Hilyah Syarifah

Wa innaka La'alaa khuluqin adziim (Shadaqallahul Adzim)

Laa Tahzan innallaha ma'ana (shadaqallahul adzim)

Al Qur'an Surah Luqman

Yaa Malikal Mulki



Syair syair Muhammad Luthfi

Mudah mudahan bermanfaat. 
Karya karya Abdullah Aydemir, @ Seni Kaligrafi Islam

All artworks are properties of their respective owners If you own the copyright to this file/image and you do not wish it be included on our website, please contact us and we will remove it as soon as possible.

Sumber :  
  1. Website Resmi Abdullah Aydemir
  2. Kalem Guzeli

He was born in 1974 in Erzurum, Khorasan. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Khorasan. (1992). In 1996, he graduated from Atat�rk University Fine Arts Faculty, Department of Tradition Turkish Handicrafts Department of Tezhip. In 1996, she started to study H�sn-i Hat classes from Abdulh�di Erol D�nmez.
Between 1996-2001, Dursar Tahsin Aykutalp received his lessons from Celalettin Karadas. He moved to Istanbul in 2001 and continued his studies at H�sn-i Hat in the Applied Turkish Islamic Arts Library. In 2007, he received the th�l�s-nesih essay from A.Erol D�nmez.
Since 2007, he has been continuing his specialized studies in Hattat H�seyin Kutlu Hoca's lecture and is the assistant of A. Erol D�nmez Hoca.
Since 2004, he has taught at the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Fine Arts Conservatory and has been teaching H�sn-i Hat in Ismek since 2005. Abdullah Aydemir, who has participated in many mixed exhibitions, is married and has 3 children.
He uses "Abdulhay" as his signature in his writings.

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